(This post was last updated on: 2/2/2024.) Most weeknights we are all looking for something fast and easy to make for dinner. Once our workday is over, our real work begins. Family obligations, chauffeuring the kids to practice and trying to have a social life once in awhile can be so overwhelming and makes it hard to find the time to sit down for family dinners, but it’s so important to make the time. Finding easy and quick dinner recipes definitely helps. This simple 3 ingredient dinner is one you can get on the table f-a-s-t.

This recipe will use the homemade pesto recipe previously posted on our blog. The whole dish only uses three ingredients: pesto, pasta and shrimp. I used bow tie pasta since it cooks fast. When the pasta was almost finished cooking, I added in a bag of precooked thawed shrimp with tails removed. Boil the shrimp with the pasta for a minute, then drain the pot. Transfer the pasta and shrimp back into the empty pot and add a whole jelly jar of pesto sauce. Stir until coated and what do you know….. a filling and delicious dinner is ready for the whole family in no time at all.
What are you go-to quick and easy weeknight dinners? Do you have any recipes to share of a simple 3 ingredient dinner or dinners with even less ingredients that we should try? Please share your ideas by leaving a comment below.