This Charlotte, NC based Lifestyle Blog aims to give women tips on leading a more intentional, organized and productive life. We’ll show you ways to make those domestic homemaking tasks that you have been dreading into valued parts of your family’s life. You may even dare I say, enjoy some of those chores and obligations that had been weighing you down. We have lots of ideas on how you can achieve more, make your home the cozy retreat that you have been wanting and have more time for yourself. And I’m not just talking to all of the stay at home moms out there, I am also talking to you, the woman working a stressful 9-5 outside the home, that has so many responsibilities, errands to run, kids to take care of, a spouse to keep happy all while trying to look cute while you are juggling it all.
I began this blog as a way to document our journey of moving from the Northeast to our new home in the South. We landed in Charlotte, North Carolina and haven’t looked back. I enjoy sharing all of the traditional Southern things that I have learned or experienced, but the blog has morphed into something more. I have a passion for educating and helping women so I have added many new pages to this site focused on issues that affect everyday women. We’ll throw in a few travel posts if we venture somewhere cool, a book recommendation if my latest read was worthwhile and some other fun topics just to keep a balance. That’s what life is all about, right?!
You may catch me at the dog park with my 2 large furbabies and husband of 15 years. If we go out to eat, it’s always to the same Mexican hole in the wall that we love. Most nights we are hanging in our backyard with the tunes cranked up and a cocktail in hand.
I hope you enjoy reading the blog posts and gain some new insight to help you in your life. I would love to hear from you so leave a comment under your favorite posts, or you can send specific questions to: [email protected].
~ Ally.
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