Self care comes in many forms. I think the concept of self care encompasses anything that brings you peace of mind, allows your body to rest or boosts your self confidence. It doesn’t need to take all day and it doesn’t need to cost a lot. Here are our favorite 10 micro self care ideas to try this weekend.

10 Micro Self Care Ideas to Try this Weekend:
Move Your Body
Take 10 mins to stretch or 20 mins to strength train. If you have more time available, do a complete workout with your favorite virtual trainer.
Set a goal to read for 15 minutes or to read 20 pages of anything in your to be read pile.
Get Outside
Take a brisk walk, play fetch with your dog or catch up on your emails outside on the patio. Anything to get outdoors and get some fresh air.
Phone a Friend
A quick call to catch up with a friend or family member will boost your mood.
Review Your Monthly Budget
Set aside a few minutes to review your budget. Knowing your current financial status will alleviate some anxiety.
Schedule an Appointment
I am sure you have some appointments to set for yourself whether it’s for your annual exam or a root touch up. It’s so satisfying to get one thing checked off a to-do list.
Update Your To-Do List
Get that list up to date before heading back to work on Monday.
At Home Mani or Pedi
It doesn’t take long to do redo your own nails at home. Having a nice manicure always makes me feel more put together.
Try a New Drink
I bought some cappuccino k-cups in varying flavors and will make myself a cup when I want something warm and cozy to drink. I also bought a few different kombucha drinks to test out. If you are in the mood for an adult beverage, check out our recipe for a bourbon and cider cocktail that tastes great.
Quiet Time
Carve out some time to just be; to just sit in silence and let your mind wander. You can try journaling, meditating, thinking about your day or practicing the art of gratitude.
10 Micro Self Care Ideas to Try this Weekend
What are your favorite ways to practice self care? If you can’t find time or have the financial resources to do one large act of self care, can you see yourself trying one of these micro ideas? Leave us a comment below.