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- Bake Christmas cookies
- Put together a tray of baked goods to take to work
- Deliver some treats to a neighbor
- Make homemade holiday candy for your child's teacher
- Drink hot cocoa
- Make gingerbread men
- Make mulled cider
- Have smores by the fire pit

Holiday Must Do's
- Tell Santa your wish list
- Watch "A Christmas Story" and "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation"
- Drive around looking at Christmas lights
- Make a snowman or a snow fort
- Wrap presents
- Send holiday cards
- Kiss under the mistletoe
Spirit of Giving
- Look for an opportunity to pay it forward
- Donate to Toys for Tots
- Plan a Secret Santa at work or with friends
- Make Blessing Bags for the homeless
- Volunteer at the local shelter or soup kitchen

- Make a Christmas ornament
- Make a gingerbread house
- Decorate a Christmas tree
- Create homemade holiday cards
Family Time
- Buy matching pj's for the whole family
- Schedule a family photo shoot
- Go ice skating
- Plan a trip to visit family
- Host a family holiday dinner or brunch
- Go caroling
- Write a letter to Santa
- Make and hang paper snowflakes around the house
- Read "'Twas the Night before Christmas"
- Go sledding
- Have a snowball fight
Holiday Fun
- Host An Ugly Christmas Sweater Party
- Plan a "Holiday Movie" night for friends
- Travel out of town to visit someone you haven't seen in awhile
- Attend a Christmas parade
- Host a cocktail party for the neighborhood