(This post was last updated on: 10/19/2024.) Celebrating Earth Day is going to be very different this year with the Covid-19 Stay at Home Quarantine in place. I think we are used to being able to go out and volunteer or attend local events in order to celebrate, but this year that is not going to happen. We can however focus on ways to celebrate at home. I am sure if you look around your house, you will see lots of ways to make your home more eco-friendly. It might just take some imagination this year in figuring out how to celebrate Earth Day in quarantine.
How to Celebrate Earth Day in Quarantine:

Free Ideas on How to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly:
- Turn out the lights anytime you leave a room
- Use scrap paper whenever possible
- Turn your computer off at night
- Unplug appliances when not in use
- Keep a dish towel next to the sink to dry your hands, stop using paper towels
- Go paperless with all of your bills and banking statements
- Upcycle one item in your home, make it a family activity
- Make a charity donation pile in your home of unused items
- Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth
- Hang your laundry outside to dry instead of using the dryer
- Store food in glass containers
- Reuse glass jars
- Stop using disposable straws
- Fix something that is broken instead of replacing it
- Don’t use pesticides
- Opt out of junk mail
- Make your own cleaning products with supplies you already have in your home
- Cut down on shower time
- Read a blog or listen to a podcast about becoming more eco-conscious

Inexpensive Ways to Celebrate Earth Day at Home:
- Plant a tree
- Start your herb garden
- Prepare your vegetable garden
- Change out your light bulbs to florescent bulbs
- Purchase cloth napkins, stop using paper napkins
- Start a compost pile
- Buy in bulk
- Set up a system to save recyclables in your home, don’t throw away items that can be recycled
- Buy everyone in your family a reusable water bottle
- Set up a rain barrel, use this to water your flowers and garden

How You can Help the Planet, Earth Day 2020:
- Walk when possible and drive less
- Stop buying bottled water
- Utilize reusable shopping bags when you grocery shop
- Use eco-friendly cleaning supplies
- Plan more meatless meals each week
- Eat more food grown locally
- Shop online at eco-friendly businesses or on secondhand sites (Facebook Market Place, Craigslist, etc.)
- Pack lunch daily for work/ school
- Most stores will now email you a copy of your receipt
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What are you doing at home to celebrate Earth Day this year? Leave a comment below!