(This post was last updated on: 10/27/2024.) I hope everyone has been taking precautions and staying on top of the latest news related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). It seems that there is a lot of misinformation out there on the internet, so the best advice I can give is to check in with the CDC’s website that is updated several times a week with the latest information that you need to know. The general guidelines seem to recommend good hand hygiene and to stay home when possible to avoid contact with others. Many schools and public buildings have been closed as a preventative measure as well as local public events have been canceled or postponed. Right now, it may not seem too bad, but in another week or two, people will begin to get cabin fever. How will you keep yourself occupied and how will you keep your family engaged during this time because Social Distancing is Boring!

Social Distancing is Boring
I don’t mind having the extra time at home. I always have a mile long to- do list and projects going on around the house. That’s just part of life when you live in an old farmhouse. So I have been really focusing on doing some spring cleaning which I have never done before in my life. I needed to clean the house this past weekend and I figured why not do a deep clean, it seems like an appropriate time. I think we’ll post more on this later, spring cleaning could be a whole post on its own. So what else could you do with this time at home? Especially if you are not in the mood to dust and mop.
Ideas on How to Avoid Boredom at Home:
- Read a book, magazine, newspaper or blog. Read to your kids. Have your kids read to each other.
2. Binge watch something new. Our newest favorite show on Netflix is Narcos– check it out!
3. Organize your closet; click here for some tips.
4. Clean out that junk drawer once and for all.
5. Pick a project to work on in your home. We have been painting our downstairs hallway. I am always amazed by how better a room looks with a fresh coat of paint.
6. Pamper yourself! We have a couple posts on self care- full of ideas on how to treat yourself.
- Discover Self Care Tips & Ideas
- Relaxation and Self Care
- Improve Your Winter Skin Care Routine
- DIY Deep Conditioning Hair Mask
- How to Create a Spa Day at Home
7. Cook at home. Make it a family activity.
8. Meal prep some freezer meals. Easiest way to do this is to double your nightly dinner recipe. But if you have the time this weekend, go all out and make a bunch of meals to have on hand when you no longer need to stay home.
9. Bust out a cookbook that you haven’t looked at in awhile and bake a delicious dessert.
10. Get your seedlings going for your summer veggie garden.
11. Call long distance family and friends to reconnect and catch up.
12. Clean out your inbox.
13. Organize your boards on Pinterest.
14. Play a board game or work on a puzzle.
15. Stock up on puzzles and word find books at the dollar store.
16. Find new YouTubers to watch.
17. Groom your pets.
18. Sign up for an online class. I heard that Skillpop is trying to schedule classes online since canceling their in- person classes; that would be awesome!
19. Work on writing out a plan for your monthly/ weekly budget.
20. Start a new hobby or pick up an old one. I still have yet to master using my new camera that I got for Christmas; I will add that to my list!
21. Get outdoors and accomplish some of that yard work you have been putting off.
22. Journal, write letters/ postcards, email/texts, just write.
23. Color your hair at home.
24. Personal grooming for your whole family- eyebrows, chin hairs, nails, ear hairs, then put on a face mask and relax.
25. Mix up a new cocktail with ingredients you have in the house.
It’s so easy to sit around and relax or be lazy, which I love to do too. But I think if you can stay somewhat productive, the time will fly by and at the end of all of this, you will have something to show for it. Whether that be a clean home, the perfect garden or new memories you made as a family. So tell me in a comment below….what have you been doing so far during your social distancing and what do you plan to do to keep busy at home? I would love to hear your feedback!