(This post was last updated on: 9/3/24.) Read our description & review of Red Sparrow by Jason Matthews.

Red Sparrow by Jason Matthews
Micro Description: Red Sparrow is the story of Dominika Egorova and her transition from pretty ballerina to sexy Soviet intelligence officer. She is recruited to the special Sparrow unit by family against her will.
The book follows her journey through the recruitment process, elicit training program to her first assignment to infiltrate U.S. CIA officer Nathaniel Nash by any means necessary. And by any means necessary, we mean sexy seduction. Dominika eventually grows to resent her family and employer leading to her being recruited by the U.S. CIA as a double agent.
Micro Review: Warning- it makes you want to be a sexy spy… is it too late for a career change?! This book is thrilling, intriguing and hard to put down. It uses occasional Russian words which I can’t even guess the translation. Most of the character names are Russian, so that made it a little hard to keep track of who was who. And I didn’t really care for the Russian recipe that accompanied each chapter. But overall, great book and I can’t wait to read the next two books in this series.
Book vs. Movie: I read this book because I watched the movie starring Jennifer Lawrence and loved it! Of course as usual, the book goes much more in depth and the movie left a lot of those details out. I didn’t realize it was a trilogy until I was in the last few chapters of the book. So I added them to my Amazon reading list and will eventually read them both.
Have you either read this book or watched the movie? What did you think of it? Are you ready to train to be a sexy spy too? Leave your response in a comment below!