(This post was last updated on: 9/3/24). Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn.

Micro Description: Camille Parker is sent on assignment by her Chicago newspaper back to her hometown to investigate the murder of two young girls. She stays with her neurotic mother and is plagued by the locals she grew up with as she uncovers the details of the murders. Along the way she battles her own demons as the trail leads her closer to home.
Micro Review: With each page, new twisted details come to light making it cringe worthy yet I was unable to put this book down. Gillian keeps her readers guessing as to whodunit throughout the entire thriller. Gillian Flynn has accomplished what most authors cannot, creating good read after good read. Now I can’t wait to watch the tv miniseries starring Amy Adams!
Rating: 4/5
Have you read Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn or watched the mini series? Let me know what you thought about it in a comment below!