Valentine’s Day Charcuterie Board

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(This post was last updated on: 1/24/2025.) This may just be one of the sweetest Valentine’s Day gifts I have ever made for my husband. He loves candy! He even has a drawer in his nightstand just for his candy stash. I set out to create something he would really appreciate this Valentine’s Day, so why not put together a Valentine’s Day Charcuterie Board?!

Valentine's day charcuterie board, valentine's day desserts, There's Sugar In My Tea, Charlotte NC Blog, Southern Lifestyle Blog
Valentine's day charcuterie board, valentine's day desserts, There's Sugar In My Tea, Charlotte NC Blog, Southern Lifestyle Blog

How to Make a Valentine’s Day Charcuterie Board:

Valentine's day charcuterie board, valentine's day desserts, There's Sugar In My Tea, Charlotte NC Blog, Southern Lifestyle Blog

I stocked up on candy at The Dollar Tree. They are in full Valentine’s Day mode right now. I picked up a variety of sweets including different types of chocolate, hard candies, soft chewy candies and basically anything that looked yummy.

Valentine's day charcuterie board, valentine's day desserts, There's Sugar In My Tea, Charlotte NC Blog, Southern Lifestyle Blog

I used this awesome oversized Jamie Oliver cutting board that I got for Christmas as my serving board and ta-da…. a gift that is completely drool worthy!

Valentine's day charcuterie board, valentine's day desserts, There's Sugar In My Tea, Charlotte NC Blog, Southern Lifestyle Blog
Valentine's day charcuterie board, valentine's day desserts, There's Sugar In My Tea, Charlotte NC Blog, Southern Lifestyle Blog

This Valentine’s Day Charcuterie Board is such a simple and affordable gift that you can easily recreate at home for your guy/gal this Valentine’s Day.

Valentine's day charcuterie board, valentine's day desserts, There's Sugar In My Tea, Charlotte NC Blog, Southern Lifestyle Blog

What have been your favorite Valentine’s Day presents that you gave to your partner/ received from your partner? What is your favorite candy to snack on? My all time fave are Reese’s Cups. YUM! Leave your tips and recommendations in a comment below. I would love to hear about your best V-Day gift ideas!

There's Sugar in My Tea, charlotte nc blog, southern lifestyle blog

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