(This post was last updated on: 1/24/2025.) This may just be one of the sweetest Valentine’s Day gifts I have ever made for my husband. He loves candy! He even has a drawer in his nightstand just for his candy stash. I set out to create something he would really appreciate this Valentine’s Day, so why not put together a Valentine’s Day Charcuterie Board?!

How to Make a Valentine’s Day Charcuterie Board:

I stocked up on candy at The Dollar Tree. They are in full Valentine’s Day mode right now. I picked up a variety of sweets including different types of chocolate, hard candies, soft chewy candies and basically anything that looked yummy.

I used this awesome oversized Jamie Oliver cutting board that I got for Christmas as my serving board and ta-da…. a gift that is completely drool worthy!

This Valentine’s Day Charcuterie Board is such a simple and affordable gift that you can easily recreate at home for your guy/gal this Valentine’s Day.

What have been your favorite Valentine’s Day presents that you gave to your partner/ received from your partner? What is your favorite candy to snack on? My all time fave are Reese’s Cups. YUM! Leave your tips and recommendations in a comment below. I would love to hear about your best V-Day gift ideas!