(This post was last updated on: 10/16/2024.) Learn what it’s like to attend a SkillPop Class in Charlotte, NC.

What it’s like to attend a SkillPop Class:
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to attend a SkillPop class? I have attended two and wanted to share my experiences with you. SkillPop is a website that offers pop-up classes mainly focusing on various art forms that began in Charlotte, NC, however the company has expanded to Lake Norman, Atlanta, Nashville, Greenville and Raleigh.
They have also widened their offering of classes into other personal interests such as baking, gardening, rock wall climbing, candle making, sales and marketing and beauty as well as everyday informational sessions such as how to purchase your first home, how to eliminate debt and how to use social media. I am impressed with the variety of classes they offer.

How to Sign up for a SkillPop Class:
It’s so easy to sign up for a class! Just visit their website, check out the classes, pick one you like, add it to your shopping cart and check out online. They will email you a confirmation with all of the info you will need to attend the class. Class sizes are limited and the most popular classes sell out fast. I signed up for their weekly e-newsletter so I can see what new classes were added so I can get a jump on signing up if I see one I like.
The cost of each class varies, but on average it seems to be $30-50 depending on how many supplies are provided for the particular class. The location of each class also varies, but mostly they are offered around the downtown area in local businesses that partnered with SkillPop or in coworking buildings like Hygge.

My First SkillPop Class
My first experience with SkillPop was last year. I attended a class offered by The Classy Hippie about decluttering and no waste living. It was last January and seemed like the perfect time to learn more about these topics as the new year was just starting. I attended alone which was intimidating at first, but in reality, the class size was small and the class was very low key yet informative. I had a good time and learned so much valuable information.

My Second SkillPop Class
Last weekend I signed up for a tequila cocktail making and tasting class at Paco’s Tacos & Tequila in Southpark. My husband loves tequila so I bought two tickets and thought this would make a fun day date. During the two hour long class we were able to taste three types of tequila, made one tequila cocktail and drank two more that the restaurant made for us. We were also given three small plates of the restaurant’s dishes, and the food was amazing!
A tequila sales rep along with the restaurant’s manager led the class and told us all about how tequila is made as well as information specific to each of the three types of tequila that we tasted. After the class was over, we called some friends and they came over so we all stayed and had dinner there too. Not that my husband and I were very hungry by that point, but I knew I wouldn’t be making dinner that night, plus we wanted to try some other items from the menu while we were there.

Overall, I have loved the two classes that I have taken through SkillPop and I hope to sign up for more in the near future. If you have thought about taking one of their classes, I would say just do it. And if you can’t find someone to go with you, girl go by yourself, it will be ok.
I think their classes would make for a great date night or a girls night out. They also offer gift cards which would be a gift I would love to receive and I am sure I will give to someone so they can pick which class they would want to attend.