Why You Should Brain Dump Every Night

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(This post was last updated on: 10/17/2024.) Have you heard of brain dumping? It’s a pretty popular phrase right now that essentially means clearing your mind before going to bed so you can get a good night’s rest. That’s the concept in a nutshell but I’ll go into more detail as to why you should brain dump every night before bedtime, and how to actually do it. I created a printable for you to use that I’ll link below.

why you should brain dump every night, there's sugar in my tea, charlotte nc lifestyle bloggers, charlotte nc bloggers

What is Brain Dumping?

Brain dumping is a process of getting all the things floating around in your head down on paper. Anything that is weighing you down from things you need to remember to do the next day, to personal issues you may be having, work commitments, things your kids told you about that you need to help them with, etc. Get it all out.

When is the Best Time to Brain Dump?

I recommend making brain dumping a part of your nighttime routine. When you snuggle into bed, you can go through the process of brain dumping, then prepare to go to sleep. Some people may find it more useful to do this first thing in the morning to kick off your day, but doing it at bedtime has had the best results for me.

What are the Benefits of Brain Dumping at Night?

Through the process of brain dumping you allow yourself to clear your mind of all of the hustle and bustle of the day. You can write down all of the items on your to-do list that you didn’t have time to complete to set yourself up for success the next day. When you write down everything that is on your mind, your body will relax knowing it’s all written down so you won’t forget all of these important tasks, thus allowing you to naturally fall asleep quicker and hopefully stay asleep for the entire night.

I can’t count the number of nights I have laid awake thinking about this and thinking about that and before you know it, I had been laying there for a couple of hours. I get worried that I will forget all of these important things the next day or sometimes I replay conversations in my head that occurred that day that I was unhappy with and wished I could have handled differently. And I’ll lay there thinking about all of the different things I should have said and how I will handle it better next time or how I will improve the situation moving forward. I mean this rabbit hole can go deep!

Here’s How to Brain Dump Every Night.

You can by all means use a journal, notebook, calendar, notes app in your phone, whatever works best for you. But I have created a printable for you to make your life easier. It’s free and you can download it below.

On my printable, I broke things up into four categories: your to-do list, people you have to remember to contact, things that you need to remember to schedule and items you want to make sure you remember to follow-up on in the next day or two. I also included an extra notes section for those things that are on your mind that don’t fit into one of these categories. Here’s what the printable looks like:

why you should brain dump every night, there's sugar in my tea, charlotte nc lifestyle blogger

There are not a whole lot of rules on how to brain dump. It really comes down to whatever works best for you. Some people like to use a bullet journal, other people would rather make separate lists in their phone. Really whatever helps you get your mind clear of the day’s events will ultimately allow you to feel more relaxed and able to get the rest you need and so deserve.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, just give it a try. But let me know how it works out for you. I want to hear your feedback so drop a comment below. Tell me, do you brain dump every night or on a regular basis? Do you find brain dumping helpful?

There's Sugar in My Tea, charlotte nc blog, southern lifestyle blog

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