What To Do When You Hate Your Job

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(This post was last updated on: 10/18/24.) Learn what to do when you hate your job! Read on to learn how to be more fulfilled by leaving a job that you hate and discovering a new career path.

What to Do When You Hate Your Job, There's Sugar in My Tea, Charlotte Nc Blogs, Charlotte NC Bloggers

Learn What To Do When You Hate Your Job:

First and foremost, I want to say, do not make any hasty decisions. I think we have all experienced working at a job that we hate at some point in our lives. Feeling stuck in a dead end job, that sucks a piece of your soul day by day with no hope of prospects for anything better can be the worst feeling in the world.

We each spend so much of our daily time at work, easily 10 hours if you include a typical commute to and from the office, that we actually spend more time with our co-workers than our own families. To be miserable the majority of your day, only to find relief when you make a run for your car at the end of your 8 hours, is a terrible way to live.

So I am here to say, you don’t have to be miserable. There is a way out. There is a way to find a job that fulfills you, where you feel like you are doing something worthwhile, where you are surrounded by like-minded people, where you, might I dare say….. be happy. But it is going to take work. It is going to take dedication and some soul searching. And in some cases, it might cost money. But I promise, when you figure out an exit strategy, it makes it so much easier to go to that dreaded job everyday, until you can finally get out for good.

What to Do When You Hate Your Job, There's Sugar in My Tea, Charlotte Nc Blogs, Charlotte NC Bloggers

If you have gotten this far in my blog post, you must be shaking your head yes and thinking, OMG, she is talking about me! Actually I am talking about myself, and you. I have been there. Girl, I am there right now. Currently I work full-time in the healthcare field by day and work as a blogger by night. I have been doing the same job for almost 13 years, not at the same company. And I am done!

I have been miserable at this job for the past several years. There is no room for advancement and with another 25 or so years left to work before retirement, there is no way I can keep doing this same job. It has become so stagnant. I find myself having the same conversation over and over again, it’s like I am Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.

Each morning I wake up and I hate getting out of bed to get ready for work. I sit in my car in the parking lot for as long as it takes to build up enough enthusiasm to walk inside the building. Do you do the same? Well, no more. I have figured out how to make a big change and you can too!!

What to Do When You Hate Your Job, There's Sugar in My Tea, Charlotte Nc Blogs, Charlotte NC Bloggers

The First Step to Change Things Around:

I think the very first step in ending your misery is to actually sit down and to do some self reflection. You really should figure out why you hate your job so much. Is it that you truly hate the work, or are you going through a situation with an easy fix?

For instance, are you having a tiff with a co-worker which makes the work environment awkward that could be mended with a supervisor acting as a mediator? Is it your schedule that you could submit a formal request to change? Do you just not like your boss? Well then transfer to a different department or shift to get away from him/ her. If you like the work but just don’t like the company’s values or operations, then switch to a competitor.

You might be surprised that your hatred might be misdirected and if you really put in as much time trying to figure it out as you do complaining about it, you might come up with an out of the box solution. Because let’s face it, it’s easier to be complacent and stay at the same company if you can figure out how to make it work for you.

But after lots of soul searching, if you decide that you really hate your job for unsolvable reasons, then it’s time for a change, and I mean a big change. If you really are just sick and tired of the type of work you do, it makes you feel down or depressed, you don’t agree with the core job duties and you just feel beyond stuck, then keep reading.

What to Do When You Hate Your Job, There's Sugar in My Tea, Charlotte Nc Blogs, Charlotte NC Bloggers

Show Me the Money:

We need to talk finances. If you are considering making a career change, then you need to know where your current financial status stands. Can you just barely afford to pay your bills at your current salary or do you live comfortably at your current salary? Can you afford to have a gap in employment? Does your spouse’s income cover your living expenses? Can you afford to take a pay cut? Can you afford to pay for school? You need to know all of these things, so go work it out and come back to read on.

Show Me the Love:

What is your support network? Are you single or do you have a live-in partner? If you are married, or living with your better half, they better be on board with your plan, especially if you decide to not work for a bit or to go back to school leaving you with less time for family responsibilities. If you decide to take on a second job or school part time, you may need to enlist the help of friends and family. Child care and household duties don’t just go away because you are busy. You need to devise a routine to make sure these things are taken care of while you enact your plan.

What to Do When You Hate Your Job, There's Sugar in My Tea, Charlotte Nc Blogs, Charlotte NC Bloggers

What are the Options if You Hate Your Job?

At this point, you have figured out your why and some of the how, but lets talk options. Right now is a great time to be looking for a job. You know as well as I do by just driving around town, the number of signs in front of businesses that are hiring is pretty insane. The number of employment opportunities vs. the number of people looking for gainful employment is skewed in your favor.

Many employers are willing to take on new employees with little to no experience. They are willing to train you in a new career field. Employers are offering higher salaries and sign on bonuses as well. So dust off your resume or create a brand new one. Microsoft Word has templates for resumes and cover letters.

Sign up for popular job search websites like Indeed and Career Builder. You can post your resume on these sites so recruiters will find you and so you can quickly apply for jobs on their sites with your online resume. Sign up for their job notifications on your cell phone. Also, take advantage of professional sites such as LinkedIn. You should set up a profile, upload your resume and skills and start networking with others online.

Just remember, the best part is that you don’t have to find a new job. You are in no hurry to just take any job that comes your way. You can take your time and select the right job at the right company. Although you might be dying to quit your job, take your time to find the right fit. Go on several interviews, at the very least it will help to sharpen your interview skills.

What to Do When You Hate Your Job, There's Sugar in My Tea, Charlotte Nc Blogs, Charlotte NC Bloggers

Remember Rodney Dangerfield in Back to School?

That could be you. Well, not exactly, but you get the idea. I know you might have hated school and the idea of going back to school after all these years is a nightmare. I am right there with you, but this is the option I chose. In reality, if you hate your job and you want to do something else, most likely you are deciding to completely change career fields. How are you going to do that without going back to school?

But don’t be scared. I am not talking about spending the next 10 years trying to complete a Bachelor’s Degree. I am talking about looking at your local community college for trades, certificates, career readiness programs, post baccalaureate diplomas/ degrees, etc. You will be surprised by how many options a community college can offer.

This will take you anywhere from a few months to maybe a year or two to complete. And believe, me, another year or two at your current job may sound like a life sentence now, but that time will fly by. Actually, it’s going to pass by anyways, so you can have some sort of certification or diploma at the end of that time, or you can be in the same exact spot you are in right now. The choice is yours.

My local community college offers career certificates which may be a good way for you to get a promotion at your current company. It offers basic computer classes if it’s been awhile and you need to brush up on your skills. There are certification programs that take just a few months with school 1-2 times per week. They have two year degrees that can transfer to a four year university if that is what you prefer. There are so many options. You are really limiting yourself by shooting this option down before thoroughly exploring it for yourself.

There are a lot of other educational opportunities out there as well, it doesn’t have to be at a community college. There are schools for sound engineering at local recording studios, bartending classes, culinary schools and don’t forget to explore online educational opportunities.

Other Ideas to Help You Find a New Career:

  • Network with other people, in person and online in your desired career field.
  • Volunteer at an agency in your desired career field to gain more insight and to network which may lead to paid employment.
  • Sign up for an internship if you decide to go back to school. This will help to build experience for your resume.
  • Go to therapy. That’s right- talk it out with a licensed professional that can help you formulate an escape plan and to cope during the waiting time.
  • Enlist the help of a professional recruiter to find the perfect job.
  • Utilize the career resource center at your local community college to create a new resume, brush up on your interview skills and more.

I feel that is a lot of information and you have some homework to do. My best advice is to dig deep, don’t quit your job until you have a plan in place and to be realistic. I wish you the best of luck and would love to hear your feedback on this blog post. So leave me a comment below and lets pave a road to a happier life together.

There's Sugar in My Tea, charlotte nc blog, southern lifestyle blog

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