(This post was last updated on: 1/11/2024.) Learn how to Improve Your Winter Skin Care Routine!
The winter months are always so harsh on my skin. I bet you are thinking the same thing right about now. My hands feel like sandpaper if I don’t stay on top of caring for my skin. Learn how to improve your winter skin care routine with our 5 easy winter skin care tips. Including products that I use and love during the winter months!

5 Ways to Improve Your Winter Skin Care Routine:
HYDRATE Hydrating your skin is the number one easiest way to to protect your skin during the colder months of winter. You can easily achieve this by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. I find this to be difficult at times but it’s something that I am working on by keeping a habit tracker and using a water bottle labeled with my daily consumption.
One of the best tips that a dermatologist gave me years ago was to leave a cup of water on the nightstand. So simple, but so effective. Give this one a try. It’s free and easy!
Lastly, since we live in an old farmhouse, the air is super dry in our home so we have a small portable humidifier in the living room and one in the bedroom. Again, this is an inexpensive and easy solution to help keep your skin hydrated. The two we have are fairly quiet, so it is not distracting while watching tv nor does it keep us from sleeping at night.
SHOWER WITH COOL WATER I know it is very tempting to crank the heat up in the shower when you feel cold, but hot water will dry your skin out real quick. Remember to keep the water temp cool or moderate.
Using a common dandruff shampoo will keep your scalp from feeling itchy and dry.
EXFOLIATE It’s super important to exfoliate your skin on a regular basis to keep it looking fresh and healthy. The easiest way to exfoliate is to use a great product while taking a shower. Right now I am loving Dove’s Exfoliating Body Polish.
LIP BALM Don’t forget to keep those lips hydrated by wearing lip balm or by applying an overnight lip mask. Chapped lips are just the worst!
MOISTURIZE Once your skin is clean, exfoliated and feeling good, it’s time to slather on a great moisturizer. The best time is immediately after getting out of the shower. Don’t wait until you are done primping and going through your bathroom routine.

I love Bath & Body Works products, but I find that they do not have the best moisturizing creams for really dry winter skin.
My best tip for cracked or rough feet, is to apply a good foot cream and then put on a pair of thick socks. The next morning, your feet will feel so smooth!
I hope you enjoyed our 5 ways to improve your winter skin routine. Leave a comment below with your best winter skin care tips. What are your favorite skin care products?