(This post was last updated on: (10/25/2024). Have you been struggling to get to bed on time, rest well at night or wake up feeling ready for the day? You can achieve all of these goals by establishing a productive bedtime routine with these simple ideas. Learn how to create a productive bedtime routine for women to sleep better at night and to have a better morning.

10 Ways to Create a Productive Bedtime Routine for Women:
- Start getting ready for bed earlier. I recommend 30-60 minutes before you would like to get to sleep.
- Place everything you need to take to work in one central location ie. purse, laptop bag, lunch box, coat, keys, anything you need for after work commitments such as a gym bag, supplies for an errand, etc.
- Lay out your outfit for the next day.
- Shower and slip into some comfy clothes.
- Make a cup of tea. I drink Celestial Sleepytime Tea.
- Check your calendar to see what is on your schedule for the next day.
- Plug your phone and all electronics into their chargers. Try to avoid using any kind of electronic device 60 minutes prior to bedtime. The light coming from your phone and other devices stimulate the brain which will be counterproductive.
- Prepare your bedroom for optimum sleeping conditions such as closing the curtains, turning the lights down including the light on your alarm clock, turning on an electric blanket to warm up the bed, turning on a humidifier (especially important during the winter months) and turning on a white noise machine.
- Jump into your cozy bed and brain dump or journal for a few minutes to clear your mind.
- Make reading for 10-20 minutes your last to-do item right before turning off the light and falling to sleep.

I hope our 10 tips to establish a productive bedtime routine for women helps you rest better at night and have a more organized and productive start to your days.
What are your best tips and ideas to have a productive bedtime routine? Which of our tips do you like the best? Leave your ideas and recommendations in a comment below. I love to read and respond to your feedback!