Travel Packing Checklist

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(This post was last updated on: 2/3/2024.) Making lists should be considered a hobby of mine. To-do lists, checklists, reminders, house projects, work, really any kind of list will do. When I found out that October 30th is National Checklist Day, I figured I had to share one of my commonly used checklists with all of you. I hope this travel packing list is helpful when preparing for your next trip.

Travel packing checklist, vacation packing list, There's Sugar in My Tea, Charlotte NC Lifestyle Blogs, Southern Lifestyle Blogs

I created this travel packing checklist to make sure I didn’t forget to pack anything when we are going out of town. I mean really, how many times had I forgotten something I really needed before the light bulb went off and I created a packing list. Too many!!

I printed out a stack of these and keep them on a clip board. Every time we are getting ready to vacay or hit the road, I pull one of these babies out and I know I will have everything I need for the trip. No more leaving the house with that funny feeling that I forgot something.

Travel packing checklist, vacation packing list, There's Sugar in My Tea, Charlotte NC Lifestyle Blogs, Southern Lifestyle Blogs

How do you make sure that you don’t forget to pack the essentials when you go out of town? What are your best travel packing tips? Leave a comment below, I love to read your recommendations.

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