50 Things to Declutter Right Now

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(This post was last updated on: 1/10/2024.) The beginning of a new year is the best time to clean and declutter your home. Here is our list of 50 Things to Declutter Right Now in Your Home. Let us know your best decluttering tips by leaving a comment below.

50 Things to Declutter Right Now, There's Sugar in My Tea, Charlotte NC Lifestyle Blogs, Southern Lifestyle Blogs

50 Things to Declutter Right Now:

  1. Pens that don’t work
  2. Expired coupons
  3. Old greeting cards
  4. Take out menus that you don’t use
  5. Kitchen tools that you don’t use
  6. Pet treats that your pets don’t like
  7. Expired canned goods
  8. Dead plants or flowers
  9. DVD’s you don’t watch
  10. Video games your kids don’t play anymore
  11. Out of date magazines
  12. CD’s that nobody listens to anymore
  13. Throw blankets that have seen better days
  14. Dead batteries
  15. Toiletries that you don’t use regularly
  16. Outdated or expired makeup
  17. Hand towels that are stained or torn
  18. Bed sheets that are worn out
  19. Clothes that don’t fit or are ripped
  20. Scarves that are out of style
  21. Shoes that are worn out
  22. Belts that are frayed
  23. Jewelry that you no longer wear
  24. Socks that are missing their partner
  25. Undershirts that are stained
  26. Underwear that needs to be replaced
  27. Electronic cords that you don’t even know what they are for anymore
  28. Remotes that go to electronics you no longer own
  29. Sticky note reminders that are so old you aren’t going to do it anyways
  30. Junk mail that you meant to shred
  31. Contacts in your phone that you will never use
  32. Emails that you were saving just because
  33. Cleaning products that you don’t really like
  34. Supplies for that project you never got around to doing
  35. Books that you have read and will never read again
  36. Cookbooks that you haven’t used in more than a year
  37. Kids toys that never get played with anymore
  38. To do lists that are old and no longer relevant
  39. Hair supplies that you haven’t used in forever
  40. Office supplies that you will not use
  41. Cleaning rags that are just disgusting now
  42. Candles that are so old they no longer have a good scent
  43. Alcohol that someone gave you that you will never drink
  44. Gifts that you received and didn’t like
  45. Pictures of people you don’t talk to anymore
  46. Toss pillows because you have way too many
  47. Phone books, who still uses these?
  48. Expired cards in your wallet
  49. Old candy that nobody in the house ate
  50. Old cell phones and cases that are sitting in a drawer
50 Things to Declutter Right Now, There's Sugar in My Tea, Charlotte NC Lifestyle Blogs, Southern Lifestyle Blogs

What decluttering projects will you tackle this year? What items on our list can you declutter from your home right now? Leave your answers in a comment below. I love to read and respond to your feedback!

There's Sugar in My Tea, charlotte nc blog, southern lifestyle blog
50 Things to Declutter Right Now, There's Sugar in My Tea, Charlotte NC Lifestyle Blogs, Southern Lifestyle Blogs

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