(This post was last updated on: 10/27/2024.) Are y’all getting tired of your spouse yet? Social distancing and being stuck at home ain’t easy. Actually, we look at it as an opportunity to spend quality time together. But yes, there is such a thing as too much quality time. Haha! Under this stay at home order and not being able to go out to socialize, we have had to come up with creative ways to still have our date nights. Here’s how we plan date nights in quarantine.

Date Nights in Quarantine:
It can be something simple and free or it can be as extravagant as you want. The main point of date night is to spend time together, so don’t focus too much on which activity you choose. Just pick something out that you know both of you will enjoy doing. I really put some thought into making this list so that in the future I make my life easier by having this list to reference back to at anytime I need a last minute idea for a date night at home.
- Movie Night is easy to set up. Make some popcorn and find a new flick on Netflix. Grab a cozy blanket and cuddle while you veg out.
- Relaxation Spa Night can begin with a bubble bath; set the mood with a candle and glass of wine. Afterwards, give each other a massage.
- Kick it old school….bring out your favorite video games and snacks and see who can win the most games. Keep it interesting by making a bet that the loser has to do something funny.
- Unplug and unwind. Turn off all of your electronic devices and pick a book off the shelf to read together.
- Chocolate Fondue, read our previous post on how easy it is to make, you will love sharing this together.

6. Split an ice cream sundae.
7. Buy a variety 6 pack of local craft beer to sample. Many grocery stores near us let you fill a card board carrier with whatever you want from a certain shelf in the store.
8. Light up that fire pit in the backyard to make smores.
9. Cook dinner together. Pick out a recipe together the night before and pick up the ingredients on your way home.
10. Do you have a bunch of wine at home that seems to be collecting dust? Have a wine tasting. It’s a good way to get rid of old wine or that weirdly flavored wine that your friend gave you that doesn’t really match well with most dinners.
11. Look up funny YouTube videos together.
12. Bust out that old jigsaw puzzle and try to finish it finally.
13. If it’s nice outside, enjoy a game of corn hole, (bean bag toss for you Yankees reading this).
14. Call and catch up with old friends together on speaker phone.
15. Work out in your home gym or do an exercise video together.
16. One of our favorite at home date nights is to hang out on the back patio, turn on some good music and enjoy a cocktail. Try out new cocktail recipes that you found online.

17. Play cards or do a crossword puzzle together.
18. If you are lucky enough to have a pool or hot tub, enjoy hanging out in the water.
19. Reminisce by looking through old photo albums.
20. Complete a home improvement project together or if you are not ready for that, walk through your home and make a to-do list of projects that need to be done.
21. Pamper each other with a face mask and foot rub.
22. Pick up some take out but fancy it up with a formal table setting with candle light, centerpiece and soft music.
23. Write out your short term and long term goals for your family. We have inspo for you if you need it.
24. Look online for restaurants to try out after quarantine and make a list to post on the fridge.
25. Find a new show to binge watch together. Here are a few of our favorites!
26. Make a bucket list together.
27. Write each other a love letter. Some couples write out a letter that is only to be opened during an argument to remind both people of why they love each other during a difficult time.

28. Make a beautiful charcuterie board and enjoy feeding each other.
29. Enjoy listening to your fave music by a cozy fireplace with a plush blanket.
So tell me, how have you been maintaining your date nights in quarantine? Leave me a comment below!