(This post was last updated on: 10/19/2024.) Making lists should be considered a hobby of mine. To-do lists, checklists, reminders, house projects, work, really any kind of list will do. When I found out that October 30th is National Checklist Day, I figured I had to share one of my commonly used checklists with all of you. I hope this travel packing list is helpful when preparing for your next trip.

I created this travel packing checklist to make sure I didn’t forget to pack anything when we are going out of town. I mean really, how many times had I forgotten something I really needed before the light bulb went off and I created a packing list. Too many!!
I printed out a stack of these and keep them on a clip board. Every time we are getting ready to vacay or hit the road, I pull one of these babies out and I know I will have everything I need for the trip. No more leaving the house with that funny feeling that I forgot something.

How do you make sure that you don’t forget to pack the essentials when you go out of town? What are your best travel packing tips? Leave a comment below, I love to read your recommendations.