22 Things to Declutter in 2022

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The start of the New Year is the perfect time to declutter your home. Read our list of 22 Things to Declutter in 2022!

22 Things to Declutter in 2022, There's Sugar in My Tea, Charlotte NC Blogs to Follow, Charlotte NC Bloggers to Follow

22 Things to Declutter in 2022:

  1. Digital Clutter- Delete old emails and text threads to clean up your virtual space.
  2. Piles of Paper- Toss, recycle or shred old mail, useless receipts, magazines, junk mail, etc.
  3. Expired Pantry Items- Take the time to clean out and reorganize your pantry. You can toss expired items and donate good items that your family refuses to eat.
  4. Linen Closet- Sort through your linen closet and see how many worn towels and bed sheets you can toss or repurpose. Dog rescues are always in need of extra linens.
  5. Medicine Cabinet- Flush any expired meds and take inventory to restock your family’s most used medical supplies.
  6. Craft Closet- Look at this as an opportunity to clean out, restock and organize your family’s craft supplies. Plus it might mean a shopping trip to Michael’s is in your near future!
  7. Nightstands- Empty out the drawers in each nightstand, wipe them down and sort through all of the treasures you just found. There’s bound to be some empties that you can toss or books that you can put away.
  8. Clothing + Closets- Marie Kondo the shit out of your closet. We have a post on this topic to get you started.
  9. Junk Drawer- Just take the whole drawer out, clean the inside and purge what you can from this notorious clutter zone.
  10. Gift Wrapping Supplies- Now that the major holidays are over, it’s the best time to clean out all of your junky gift wrapping supplies and restock if needed.
  11. TV Stand- If you still have a tv stand like we do, the cabinets and drawers are likely to have some items cluttering up the space.
  12. Kitchen Gadgets– It will feel so good, I promise, to clean out any kitchen gadgets that you haven’t used in the last year or two. We all have a few so why not donate them to someone who will get good use out of them right now.
  13. Pet Toys- We have a big bin of dog toys, shampoo and accessories. It’s a great time to see which toys and accessories are ready to be retired.
  14. Boring Household Items- These are the items that you never think about until you need them…immediately, like batteries, light bulbs, flash light, etc.
  15. Candles + Decor- I am sure you received a few new candles or decor items as holiday gifts- try swapping out your new gifts in place of your old ones that have seen better days.
  16. Beer Fridge- Yes, I said it, clean out the beer fridge. I did this recently and we had some expired bottles of juice and mixers that I had to throw away. And once the fridge was organized, I could fit so much more beer in it. Win, Win!
  17. Pens- Once in awhile, I go through our pens and see which ones are working by scribbling on a piece of scratch paper. Why keep old pens that don’t even work anymore?
  18. Makeup- I tend to be bad in this area. I keep makeup way too long which is just gross when you think about all of the bacteria that grows in old makeup containers.
  19. Hair Supplies- While you are working on decluttering your makeup, it’s a great time to also clean out old hair accessories, stretched out hair elastics and used up hair products.
  20. Water Bottles + Coffee Mugs- We all are guilty of having way too many water bottles and coffee mugs for the number of people that live in our home.
  21. Landry Room- Do a quick clean of your laundry room to declutter extra hangers, close pins and laundry supplies.
  22. Party Supplies- I keep all of the leftover supplies from each time we have people over to the house for a get- together. That has left me with boxes of party decorations that years later are now warped, out of shape, discolored and stained which I will never be able to use- so it’s time to sort through these boxes and keep only the supplies that I will realistically use again in the future.
22 Things to Declutter in 2022, There's Sugar in My Tea, Charlotte NC Blogs to Follow, Charlotte NC Bloggers to Follow

22 Things to Declutter in 2022!

What are your best tips on how to declutter different areas of your home? If you have any decluttering tips or tricks, leave them in a comment below.

There's Sugar in My Tea, charlotte nc blog, southern lifestyle blog

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