(This post was last updated on: 10/27/2024.) Do you ever feel stuck in a rut? Or wonder how to reignite that spark between you and your spouse. I think once you have been together for a long time whether married or not, you can find yourself in a mundane routine and it becomes hard to keep the romance going. Learn how to date your spouse!

How to Date Your Spouse:
I think spending quality time together is key. And one way to do that is to Date Your Spouse. That’s right! Remember when you first got together and you had so much fun going on dates, and how much you looked forward to seeing him or her and it didn’t really matter what you did, you just wanted to be together? Well you can keep doing that.
Yeah, I know, life has gotten in the way, you can never find the time and you can never think of anything fun to do so you wind up sitting at home, each of you on your phone with the tv on. So schedule it. Such a simple solution. I find that if I put it on the calendar, then it’s more likely to happen. So sit down, take the time and start making some lists.
First List- Personal Interests
Think about your partner’s hobbies and what they would like to do. If you can’t think of anything, ask! Then make a category of your hobbies and interests. Some items might cross over from each column which is great, but more than likely most items you listed won’t match up. That is okay, we will incorporate interests from each person.
Second List- Local Activities
This is the time where you will have to do a little research. Look in your local newspaper or online, especially Facebook’s events listing. Find some upcoming events that pertain to your first list of interests. Then search on Google for businesses that could also be potential places to visit that correlate to your first list. For example, if you spouse likes drinking beer, find a local brewery and schedule a date to go there for a tour and tasting.
Third List- Travel
In this list, think of some destinations that you and your partner would like to visit. It could be a day trip, weekend getaway somewhere within 2-3 hours away or for a longer vacation. Many times, getting away without the kids or any home or work distractions is the best remedy to reignite that spark.
Fourth List- Social
Make 3 columns on your paper for this list. In the first column write down your spouse’s friends. Column two is for your friends. The third column is for couples that you both like to hang out with that you can double date or travel with and nobody will murder each other. This column is probably the shortest. It’s so hard to find other couples to spend time with, where all four people like each other, especially if you want to plan a trip together!
Time to Plan Some Dates!
Now break out your calendar and figure out some days that are available for you to plan out your dates. Maybe at some point you can just pick one day a week or every other week or one per month that is automatically set aside for your dates. But for now, just start! Plan out what day and time, the location and the activity for the first date. Make sure to include activities from both columns on your first list. If you only plan dates that you will enjoy, your spouse will start ditching your dates. So yeah, once in awhile you will have to do something you don’t like for the sake of your partner; it’s give and take.
As you get more into the planning process, you can start incorporating double dates, weekend getaways and larger group activities to also check hanging out with friends more often off your to-do list at the same time. You can check out our previous post all about group date ideas here.
The dates that you plan do not have to be expensive or extravagant. You can plan a date right at home…for free! If you need some inspiration, we have posts available on Ideas for Date Nights at Home and Day Date Ideas.
So getting moving, you have a spouse and dates to enjoy! Please leave a comment below with your date ideas, we would love to hear from you!